When going on a long road trip with children, one of the most important things to consider is how to entertain them and make them feel part of the journey. Since children have high energy level, families must look for creative ideas to keep their young ones occupied when going on a long car trip.
- Let them Choose: When travelling with your children aged between four and nine, one of the best things to do is to let them choose things they want to bring along. Most importantly, each kid should be allocated his or her own suitcase to enable them pack whatever toys they want to carry during the trip. This is the best way to avoid conflict of interest and rivalry.
- Make a Vacation Book: Besides that, you as a parent should make a vacation book for each major trip that you take. If your children are not able to read and write, it can make a perfect coloring page where they can colour everything they see along the way. Before the trip, pack for them enough crayons and packers, but remember not give them at the beginning of the trip.
Let them have their own digital Camera: Buying them their own digital camera is also a perfect way to give them a treat during the trip. Besides enabling them to take pictures at every stop, the camera also enables them to take movies of themselves inside the car, which a great way to keep them occupied. The beauty is that kids never seem to get tired of this.
- Have plenty of CDs/DVDs/Ipod resources to hand: Stocking plenty of CDs is also good for children during such trips. However, be sure that the CDs have kid-friendly tunes or stories to help break the monotony during the trip.
- Quick stops: Consider taking some quick stops along the way for the kids to run around and stretch their muscles.
- Younger children need plenty of distractions while in the car, which requires you to carry in your road trip bag. These may include an iPhone application designed for kindergarten and preschool kids or a DVD player with lots of movies.
- Snacks – of course: On the same breath are plenty of healthy snacks that they can eat along the way – not ones that will make them hyperactive.
- Above all, it is important to make a few stopovers after every few hours. NOT recommended however when the kids are asleep or watching a movie.
- Travel Toys: Carrying some cheap travel toys is another great way of keeping your kids entertained while travelling. Young children get fascinated with simple objects that can be found around the home. Books make great entertainment for kids of all ages and are readily available in major libraries. The trick is to try something a little more complex, and you will be surprised at how engaged your little ones would be when you hit the road.
- Invisible Ink Book: The other item that might keep your children occupied for hours is an invisible ink book. It has a special pen that reveals answers to the puzzle, colors or texture. On the same breath are home made playlists named after the date and day of the trip – a fun and engaging way of entertaining your kids during such long road trips.

This was a Guest Post by Brenda Panin. She loves traveling and writing about her travel experiences. Brenda is currently a web content writer for Cheap flights Melbourne. She is a regular contributor to several travel blogs.
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