Have you seen this car?
Who in their right mind? I wasn’t in my right mind – I was a little tipsy. The normally shy and retiring sort, this purchase summed up my inner learnings I took from my time in New Zealand as a female solo traveller – to live life to the maximum, and it was at this time the inner extrovert in me made its first appearance.
When I was in Nemo the car, gone were my inhibitions. He was no ordinary car – Nemo’s tale was one of survival, escaping an aquarium fire in Mapua in 2011 and going on to transport me trustily throughout this beautiful country for 4 months.
As Nemo helped me find myself I would like to return the favour and find Nemo!
Where is he now? Please help me find Nemo and share my story with your followers, asking they tag any sightings since 2011 with #findingnemocar. Loved by one, admired by many!
Sophie Porritt is based in London these days