Art Break Waihi is a Kiwi beach holiday experience over two days and take time to explore your artistic side. Encouragement and a stimulating environment by the sea help you to tap into your creativity.
Waihi is a small settlement under two hours from Auckland on the east Coast. Here is a story of their beginnings…
Heather and I became friends through working together at Mt Roskill Grammar School. Through discovering we both enjoyed creating and painting we, and another colleague, Lynn, would disappear to our or Heather’s newly acquired holiday bachs (holiday home) to indulge in our creative pursuits over good conversation, wine and food.
Before having the luxury of a bach I had been enjoying this ritual over the years with my two sisters, Rachel and Jane, usually in a sitting room or out on the lawn.

On hearing of my impending redundancy through budget cuts to therapy hours my friend, ‘Mags’, suggested I run workshops at the bach, an idea I didn’t take seriously
A few months later the seed of her idea must have been percolating in my subconscious because I woke with the idea of art break: hosting others so they too can share the fun of getting together over a paint brush with the added lures of being away from regular routine, having nice food and company and being catered for near the beach.
I wasted no time to ring Heather and put the idea to her. Heather seemed the perfect companion in this venture in many ways, one being her talent and love of painting as well as her easy-going fun-loving nature and possibly availability. I was happily surprised she said yes.
I initially thought we could call the business “Number 8 wire with a twist”. Here we were having a go, using the resources we have, which is what no. 8 wire, a kiwi term, means. The property is also fenced on two sides with no 8 wire. However, being cumbersome, confusing and used for beer we agreed to drop it and chose Art Break, which sums the concept up nicely we think.
Heather and I have now hosted people at Art Break. It was fun and we enjoyed the success our guests experienced. We also found we work really well together. Well… you never know until you try!
We’ve had the support of our friends and family but most of all our husbands, Stuart and Graham, without whom we could not have contemplated such a venture.
Thanks to:
Viv from Lumina has been wonderful to work with in developing our website and came highly recommended from Kylee of (who has generously spread the word about our business venture and Amanda from
Contact us: and you contact us on and/or follow us on facebook.
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